Monday, June 29, 2009

What Color Is Lorna Morgan's Baby?

Tokio Hotel and harassment ...

mid-April news broke that Tom had attacked a fan.
The first thing learned is that a fan asked for his autograph and he in response threw the stub of his cigar. She turned it off in the window of his car, and he came out and punched him. The girls reported the guitarist for the attack.
In many places have been left alone on this information and have not had the rest of the story.
The group and their relatives had reported to the four French girls known as THE AFGHAN TOUR since these fans might have been following the band tirelessly for six months. One of them, Perrine, ha llegado a mudarse desde su París natal hasta Hamburgo para tener más cerca a sus ídolos. El diario que ha sacado a la luz la noticia, reproduce, además, un fragmento de una de las supuestas cartas de las acosadoras en las que afirman que están "descontentas" y cada vez "más impacientes", y continúan diciéndoles a los músicos, "Desde septiembre deberíais saber que no somos simples fans. Ahora sabréis cómo debéis reaccionar...".
David Jost, portavoz del grupo afirma que el abogado de las jóvenes se ha puesto en contacto con él para comunicarle que sus defendidas retirarán las demandas por agresión si los músicos se retractan de las suyas, algo que los miembros de la band are not willing to do. "We love his music, his lyrics. Not pursue them, we just want to know things they have" the girls, who are aged between 20 and 25 years, and feel special weakness for Tom and Bill Kaulitz.
The band has decided to postpone the recording of their new album until this issue is resolved and the release date is scheduled for September, as even the mother of the twins Kaulitz has received threats "death."


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