Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bigfoot To Monsterjam?

INFO - Press Conference - Sao Paulo, Brazil (23.11.10)

• Bill has
said that when he has a song in your head, write it on your phone mobile or scribbles in a notebook.
• Bill and Tom is the spokesman for some comments. So far, we've heard the voices of Gustav and Georg.
• Bill said he did not think it's a very handsome boy, but is happy to know that the public likes your look!
• Tom did not think that Bill is handsome.
• A reporter asked if he sings in the shower. Bill said, "Sure!"
• The creative process of composition of the band is not always the same.
• They are very friendly, funny and handsome!
• Bill said it is amazing how people find their sound on the Internet. • Bill was shocked when we told the story of @ naakaulitz, who traveled 25 hours to see them in São Paulo.
• They said it is nice to know that people have traveled many hours from different locations, only to see them in São Paulo.
• Bill speaks as big is having fans as special as those on the door of room for tonight.
• I asked about moving to the U.S. Bill and Tom
• They said that nothing should change their sound since the last album was produced in LA. In fact, it is just easier and more convenient for them.
• They said they have a special history with the fans in Germany, but those of every country is special. As a family.
• They are impatient for the show today and energize the public.
• Bill and Tom talk about the first time they went to Japan and it was awesome (here is a failure by the person who wrote it).
• Bill speaks for the band of the changes that happened during these 10 years.
• Boys have a ping pong table in the study and this appliance helps the creative process.
• Tom joked that Bill takes 2 minutes to fix, not 5 hours.
• Bill said his long hair was harder to fix.
• Today there are people helping Bill to prepare and is very easy and natural.
• Bill said it took 5 minutes get the look of today. Nothing more.
• Bill goes with her hair to the mohican classic, all black, chains, a thin collar of black fabric and black gloves.

Credits: Schrei-im-zimmer483


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